

S harris sen web 1Mrs S. Harris, Mayfield's SENCo, is based within the Inclusion Faculty - a faculty dedicated to providing support to students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) as well as those with English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Within Inclusion we are able to cater for pupils with a wide variety of learning needs being mindful to keep in line with the SEND Code of Practice (2015).

Please click below for the Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND) Local Offer:

Local Offer

Students with SEND may refer to difficulties such as communication and interaction, cognition and learning, behavioural and emotional difficulties, specific/general learning or medical/physical. Students are given access to all areas of the curriculum whether it is through differentiated work or specialist support from experienced specialist teachers or outside agencies. The Inclusion Faculty works with parents/carers/teachers to ensure that students realise that they have the potential to achieve in the best possible learning environment appropriate to the student’s needs and ability.

We have a large faculty of experienced Intervention Assistants (Teaching Assistants) that are fully aware on how to support and identify students with SEND, deliver literacy and numeracy programmes as well as some in-class support.

We believe that the most important factor in ensuring academic and personal progress is the delivery of BEST, which fits in with the statutory guidance given in the SEND Code of Practice around Quality First Teaching. We practice a ‘Plan, Assess, Do, Review’ approach which enables us to identify students who require academic or social, emotional and well-being support and interventions. We monitor and review the progress of all students with SEND in collaboration with all teaching staff, parents/carers and also external agencies. This is done throughout the year through data analysis, reports, parent teacher consultations and during annual reviews for those with Education, Health and Care Plans/Statements and the most vulnerable students on the SEN register.

We are committed to working with all families and the community to support our students in order for them to be the best that they can be. If a student with SEND is not making their expected progress we offer targeted interventions as a faculty. These are offered additionally to what is available at a whole school level.

  • Lexia (Phonics programme to develop reading ability)
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Support from teaching assistants.
  • Love Literacy- Literacy Intervention
  • Maths Base- Numeracy Intervention
  • Lunchtime homework support
  • The Zone- Lunchtime Social Interaction club
  • Counselling
  • 1:1 and group mentoring

In the EAL department we support students with integration into the school and culture through the teaching of English. Students are taught in small groups and sometimes on a one to one basis depending on the age and needs of each individual.
The department is staffed with 3 fully qualified Languages Teachers with a vast range of teaching experiences.

Groups are taught according to the language needs they have rather than according to year group. This allows the teaching to be tailored to the needs of the students and allows for quicker progress. We adopt a multi modal approach to teaching English using computers, text books, video, audio, paired and group work. The focus is on developing speaking, listening and reading to a functional level in order for students to begin accessing the school curriculum.

The EAL department is developing pathways of learning and working closely with the SENCo to form a better system of identifying those students with EAL who may have SEND.

As part of the options process at KS4 the Inclusion Faculty offer

-The ASDAN Award Bronze/Silver/Gold to students with opportunities to participate in various modules involving life/social skills.

– Language Skills and Study Support to students with English as an Additional Language leading to a Certificate in Entry Level English.

Please see our current SEND Report by clicking the link below.


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