
Year 11

Year Group Leader

Miss R. Khela

I feel very privileged to be a Year Group Leader at Mayfield, and I aim to provide our students with support and encouragement. We hope to expose our students to a range of opportunities internally and from external organisations to enhance our students' skill set. Offering a varied curriculum and extra-curricular clubs will allow our students to develop into well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to be the best they can be.

As a year team we hope to encourage, up-lift and listen to our students so they don’t feel alone on this journey. We will prepare our students to make sensible decisions moving forward whether that be related to their studies, physical, social or mental well-being.

We are keen to see our students grow and flourish into the amazing young men and women they can be. With the support of their year team and the rest of the staff at Mayfield I am sure they will do themselves proud.

Assistant Year Group Leader


Year 11 Report & Pathway Information video

What are my options after Year 11?

Click here to view the Year 11 Options PowerPoint

Intervention Rota

Year 11 PPEs and Revision

Acceptable Use of ICT Systems

Please click to view and download the Acceptable Use of ICT Systems Policy (Students)

Parental Control Apps

Read our guide on Parental Control Apps.

Success Evening


Year 11 Contact Form

Year 11 Contact Form
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